Coaching Resiliency- Clint Shumacher

Coaching Resiliency- Clint Shumacher

On today’s podcast, host Keith Grabowski welcomes Clint Schumacher who is a football coach, lawyer and author of the new book Second Wind. Schumacher has had many experiences coaching football and in life that led to him trying to develop kids to become more resilient and learning how to teach those traits. Schumacher joins the podcast to talk about some of those skills as well as his book and the inspiration behind it.

2:08 Coach’s journey
3:32 Idea behind thee book Coach wrote, Second Wind
7:33 Teaching players to be resilient in different situations
9:44 Building these resilient concepts year round in players 
11:31 Grated cheese and video games
15:15 The process of putting together his book
19:09 How Second Wind became the name of Coach’s book
24:20 Different experiences Coach has had the he outlines in his book