Levi Nelson, Loren Johnson, and Matt Drinkall talk about celebrating things outside of wins and losses, focusing on a theme each week, and outsourcing vocal messages to the players, even on game day.
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When we hit the middle of the season, one aspect to pay attention to is the mental and emotional state of our team. To this point in the season, there’s a range of successes or failures a team may have experienced. A team’s goals may be 100% on track for the season, or those goals may be out of the team’s control.
Keeping a team focused and motivated through the grind of a long season, whether it is going well or not as well as planned, is important and really starts to come to light at the midpoint. In this episode, three coaches provide a few ideas to help your team as you progress through the season.
Coaches Featured in This Episode:
Levi Nelson, Positive Coach Alliance
Loren Johnson, Head Coach, Highland Springs High School (VA)
Matt Drinkall, Co-Offensive Coordinator and OL Coach, Army
Best Ideas from This Episode:
>Use a whiteboard and helmet stickers to recognize players
>Award players for demonstrating team core values and the impact it had on the team
>Utilize a weekly theme to keep the team focused on the game in front of them
>Do not look ahead or dwell on previous games
>Involve the players in vocal leadership, taking it out of the hands of the coaches