Coach and Coordinator Mission
Coach and Coordinator develops football coaches to unlock their full potential. We exist to teach coaches at all levels of play who are willing to work to achieve excellence. Our community offers an immersive educational and networking program unique to the marketplace of coaching. We feature the 10% Coach who instructs all aspiring 10% Coaches working to change their lives and the lives of their players. We are here in service to you, the coaches and coordinators of this great game.

The game of football offers a positive setting for its participants to discover a true sense of self, to learn critical life lessons, and to share human experiences that generate moments of self-actualization. Unfortunately, participation has wavered amid health and safety concerns, but those concerns are a red herring for the sport’s true problem – poor coaching. Unqualified coaches teach bad technique and flawed strategies, leading to performance below potential and most injuries.
Coach and Coordinator meets the demand from the football coaching community for an authoritative clearinghouse of information by:
CONNECTING coaches throughout all levels of play with each other and with a verified vendor network.
DEVELOPING coaches with a growth mindset through immersive education and engagement opportunities.
DEFINING the 10% Coach by his or her intrinsic value to the game, without regard for traditional status, background, or pedigree, democratizing opportunity for anyone willing to work hard.
At Coach and Coordinator, we call it “putting the ladder down.” By lifting others as we climb, we harness the power of collaboration and accelerate what’s possible for this game.
We believe the game of football is serious, not spectacle. We believe it is a habit, not a hobby for the 10% Coach. It’s an honor to serve you.