Morgan Scalley, Chris Softley, and Mike Elder delve into strategies for navigating the late season successfully and keeping teams performing at their best.
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As the season progresses into the late stages, teams face unique challenges in maintaining their performance levels and motivation. And coaches play pivotal roles in ensuring players remain sharp and focused on achieving their goals.
Coaches Featured in This Episode:
Morgan Scalley, Defensive Coordinator, University of Utah
Chris Softley, Head Coach, Lubbock Christian School (TX)
Mike Elder, Head Coach, Avon High School (OH)
Show Notes:
>Prevent Complacency and Distractions
>Remind Players That Every Game Is a One-Week Season
>Instill Belief That Each Game Carries Equal Weight
>Reflect on Past Experiences
>Understand the Type of Team You Have
>Equip Players with Tools for Success
>Use Psychology and Positive Reinforcement
>Keep the Team Physically Sharp>Develop Depth