About Us

Developing Football Coaches to Unlock Their Full Potential

Coach and Coordinator equips curious and competitive coaches in search of their winning edge with the schemes, values, and relationships required to come out on top.

Senior Leadership

Our Visionary, Connector, Storyteller.
Keith Grabowski spent nearly three decades as a coach and educator before founding Coach and Coordinator. He enjoyed success as a head coach and offensive coordinator along multiple stops at the high school and college levels. The son of a coach, Keith immersed himself from an early age in the lifestyle of a coach – on the sidelines, at practices, and in meeting rooms. This inventory of experiences cultivated a sound understanding of all phases of football, as well as the leadership and emotional IQ required to be a 10% Coach. Keith believes football to be a lifelong pursuit of learning with no goal line to cross. To be a teacher of this great game, he is a student first. As host of Coach and Coordinator Podcast, he listens before he leads, always learning and considering a new way. Keith holds a Bachelor’s degree and Master’s degree from Baldwin Wallace University, and still resides in the Cleveland area.

Board of Advisors


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Join the 20,000 coaches receiving the Coach and Coordinator Podcast Weekly Tip Sheet email. Every Tuesday morning, catch up on the best ideas from recent Coach and Coordinator Podcast episodes and other resources and discuss the highlights in your staff meetings and with your fellow coaches in our community. The Weekly Tip Sheet will also include feature articles on strategies for all phases of the game, as well as actionable ideas from adjacent industries, such as leadership training, sports science and human performance, as well as cutting-edge technology, data, and analytics. All content and coaching methods are sourced for the 10% Coach to elevate your program to the top.

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