In this episode, we revisit this timeless content, that is as true today as it was six years ago, with segments from each episode in the series.
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Brian Kight joined Coach and Coordinator Podcast for the Leadership Journey series in 2017. Kight shared ways coaches can change their mindsets and improve as leaders, focusing on issues that teams face during the season.
Follow Brian Kight on Twitter/X @TBrianKight.
Show Notes:
Energy: Great Coaches Know How to Move the Human Heart
>Keep Systems Simple, but Detailed
>Alignment Happens with Clarity, Support, and Accountability
Trust: Trust Comes from Character, Competence, and Connection
Stress: Practicing Emotions, Building Mental Strength
Connection: Four Things That Make the Connection – Care, Listen, Communicate, Adjust Your Style
Humility: Why Humility Is a Core Principle in Football
>Training Players on How to Focus
>Three Tips for Processing Distractions
>The Formula for Success: E+R=O
>Examples of Adversity Training
>Putting Pressure on Variable Moments
Performance Pathway: Why It Takes Two Years to Change a Program
>Why Coaches Should Redefine Accountability for Their Teams
>Reward Alignment and Create Discomfort for Misalignment
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