Quarterback-Centric, Tempo Based Offense

Matt Walker, head coach at University of River Falls, was recently recognized as the Coach and Coordinator Head Coach of the Week presented by Hansen Ratings for his leadership and staff. Under his guidance the team puts the quarterback at the middle of everything. On top of that, they are tempo based in practice which allows them to get plays off fast and get them done right.

Building Around the Quarterback

In Matt Walker’s coaching style the quarterback is the key to the team’s success. “If the quarterback isn’t prepared it doesn’t matter how well the rest of the team plays” he say. It dictates their practice and scheduling as everything revolves around making sure the quarterback is ready for game day even if that means adjusting for other positions.

A good example of this is quarterback Caleb Blaha whose class schedule requires some practice time adjustments. Walker explains how they have to adjust their daily routine to fit this. “We have to make changes to our practices” he says. “It’s all about making sure Caleb gets the reps he needs to do his best.

It allows for a team environment where everyone knows the quarterback has to be ready. Walker’s quarterback centric approach leads to some joking from the players. “You’d think I’m the only one who has to be on top of things” Blaha laughs showing the camaraderie that develops when everyone is working together for the quarterback.

Walker helps him play better and the whole team. This approach holds everyone accountable for the quarterback’s success.

Tempo Based Offense

Coach Walker is proud to say he has one of the fastest teams in college football. “We’re not just fast we’re efficient” he says. They focus on speed but know practicing the right mechanics is just as important. “It’s not about running complex plays it’s about mastering the basics so we can perform under pressure.”

To maintain this pace the coaching staff designs drills that promote quick transitions and clear communication. “We don’t have time for confusion” Walker says. “Every drill is meant to get players moving fast and in sync.” This tempo allows players to know what to do without hesitation and react fast in game.

Walker believes being fast not only helps their performance but the team dynamic. “When we play fast we start to think fast and that connection on the field is key” he says. The energy and rhythm of this style of play creates a sense of togetherness in the players. “Everyone is working together and that’s when we see the best results.”

Focusing on speed and mechanics allows River Falls to execute an efficient and connected offense. Walker’s tempo based approach is evident in their performance and the relationships that develop as players push each other to be great in a fast paced environment.

Communication Strategies

Walker knows a common language among players is key to everyone being on the same page especially in the chaos of a game. “When we speak the same language everything runs smoother” he says.

This common language allows for quick adjustments when facing different opponents. Walker stresses the importance of this especially with the scout team. “The scout team has to know our calls and signals as well as we do” he says. By having the scout team use the same language and concepts as the first team the first team players can react to what they see on the field and the transition from practice to game scenarios is smoother.

The result is players feeling more connected and informed. Walker’s emphasis on communication builds trust among teammates. “When players know each other it creates a sense of togetherness that’s hard to beat” he says. 

Continuous Improvement

Since going quarterback centric and tempo based he’s learned a lot that has helped shape their evolving strategy. “Every game is a teaching opportunity” Walker says. Real game experience is a big part of how they refine their process.

He stresses the need to adapt to what’s happening on the field to stay competitive. “We evaluate what works and what doesn’t” he says. They evolve their game based on performance and feedback. It allows them to stay relevant and effective as the game changes.

Walker also stresses player discipline and focus. “When the game speeds up players need to stay sharp and committed” he says. Keeping tempo in big moments is tough but disciplined players who know their role contribute big time to the team’s success.

Final Thoughts

Coach Matt Walker’s football program at University of River Falls is built on two things: the offense around the quarterback and tempo based practice. By putting the quarterback at the center and having practice centered around speed and efficiency he’s created a program that excels at fast play and team dynamic. His system proves football success isn’t just about individual talent but about a system where speed, accuracy and teamwork propels the team.

D3 Head Coach and Staff of the Week

Presented by Hansen Ratings

Notable Stats:

Head Coach/Coaching Staff of the Week

Matt Walker | UW-River Falls | 68-9 vs. Mt. St. Joseph

  • Outgained opponent 507 to 315
  • Balanced attack with over 300 yards rushing, over 200 yards passing
  • Won on specials teams with >50 yard average on 2 punts and a punt return TD
  • Excelled in havoc plays and crucial situations
    • Turnovers: 4-0
    • Total Havoc Plays: 18-3
    • 3rd/4th Downs: 10/13 (77%) vs. 5/15 (33%)
    • Redzone: 7/7 TDs vs. 0/1