We launch our newest series “Culture OS” with a preview from guest host Rob Pomazak. In this series of episodes, Coach Pomazak will interview coaches from all levels to gain insight into how they build the operating system that runs the culture of their programs.
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Rob Pomazak is the head coach at St. Charles North High School in Illinois. Coach Pomazak has been a guest on the podcast multiple times, and we always enjoy his insight into building a program by design. He has outlined the mission, vision, and purpose for this series as follows:
Mission: Deliver helpful content for coaches in all phases of their journey.
Vision: Help as many coaches as possible to develop their program systems.
Purpose: Provide service to the profession.
Whether you are new to the head coaching seat, a seasoned veteran head coach, an aspiring head coach, or just an assistant looking to be the best assistant you can be, this series is full of insight into how successful coaches build their Culture OS.
Follow Rob Pomazak on Twitter/X @robertpomazak.
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