On today’s podcast, host Keith Grabowski is joined by two members of the Alcorn State University offensive coaching staff. Offensive Coordinator and Offensive Line Coach, Elliott Wratten, and Wide Receivers Coach, Jason Phillips, have helped revolutionize the RPO game by developing their own system. Today, they talk about adding the choice concept to your RPO game.
1:09 Where the Choice concept fits in the Alcorn Offense
3:51 What the deep choice looks like
9:11 What the backside does and you how work the full field
11:56 Installing the choice concept
15:15 Putting keys on the field during practice
16:41 What the backs do in the scheme
18:20 Running this as opposed to 4 verts
20:15 Protection responsibilities
25:52 QB escape routes
27:50 Different adjustments when you go 3×1 and 2×1
30:55 Using RPO’s in the same formations as the choice concepts
33:55 Attacking hashes
35:02 Switches
37:57 Inside Choice
40:57 What adjustments they make to go to inside choice
45:35 Importance of understanding the next phase of your attack
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