Former U.S. Navy Commander Mike Abrashoff attracted worldwide attention for his success in turnng around a struggling ship, the USS Benfold, which became the subject of his first book It’s Your Ship. Since that instant leadership classic hit the bestseller lists, he’s been a fixture on the lecture circuit, spreading the empowering message that any organization can be turned around with hard work and a compassionate firm leader.
Abrashoff graduated from the US. Naval Academy and served as an officer in the U.S. Navy for nearly 20 years. He was a military assistant to former secretary of defense William J. Perry. In this interview, Abrashoff translates the success he had on the Benfold to how coaches can use his strategies and ideas to create excellence in their programs. This is a simple yet powerful approach to leadership.
In the interview, Abrashoff said that Bill Belichick has mentioned It’s Your Ship among his favorite books. Mike also points out how Western Michigan head coach PJ Fleck sat in his audience and filled a notebook during Abrashoff’s talk. Abrashoff also mentions he is intrigued by Fleck’s leadership style in the interview.