AJ Smith, offensive coordinator for the Houston Roughnecks, helps us keep our call sheets and game plans simple, while continuing to evolve as coaches.
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As the season progresses, opponents have more and more of your game film to scout. Knowing this, coaches possess the natural tendency to want to tweak their call sheets with counterpunches to stay one step ahead of the competition. But the most successful coaches remain disciplined and continue to call the concepts their teams have trained most and execute best.
In this episode, AJ Smith, offensive coordinator for the Houston Roughnecks, reinforces the philosophy of staying true to those plays repped since camp. Any wrinkles added here in the mid-season stretch of your schedule must reflect the style and identity your team has formed, and you have formed as a play caller.
Show Notes:
>Keeping It Simple
>Process for Adding/Deleting
>Have More Things That Beat Everything
>If You Didn’t Use It in a Week, Retrain It
>Be Disciplined to Not Add Too Much
>80% of Your Game Plan Should Be Stuff You Have Been Doing Since Camp
>Put New Things in the Openers
>The Conversion Rate of Two-Pointer
>Take Weeks to Develop a Concept
>Building Confidence
>Trying to Replicate Plays from Twitter
>Developing Your Style
>Building and Adjusting While Staying True to Style
>Stay on the Cutting-Edge at the High School Level