On today’s episode of Coach and Coordinator Podcast, we break from X’s and O’s to talk about how to use analytics in practical ways. To do this, we welcome Rich Worsell, Akron Director of Research and Analytics. While his current job may focus on analytics, Worsell was a great offensive coordinator at his previous stops. Coach took a unique path to get where he is today as he came all the way from England. Host Keith Grabowski will go into detail with Worsell about his past as well as what he’s learned in analytics.
1:20 How Coach grew fondness for football all the way in England
4:15 How Math plays a role in Coach’s life
6:30 When his analytics started to become relevant to his role
10:45 Using analytics to back up your instincts while scouting
14:35 Determining and tracking important data
18:50 Recommendations for starting to use analytics for your program
22:10 How much can you do in the offseason towards building your analytics
25:17 What’s something analytically that surprised coach
27:55 Analytics during game planning, specifically on opening drives and kickoffs
29:00 Helpful tools for creating analytics
30:55 Winning Edge