From the Arcvhives – Tips for a Successful Pregame Speech. Host Keith Grabowski shares another page of his notebook, giving tips for a successful pregame speech.
Show Notes:
00:50 The stereotype of the pregame speech
01:15 Opportunity to send team out with a positive mindset
01:45 Build emotion to a crescendo over the course of the week
02:30 Communicate a focus to set the stage for Friday
03:15 12 time state champ Chuck Kyle on the pregame speech
04:29 Motivation is an attitude about what you do
05:02 It’s about getting them to step above fear of failure
06:27 Always be clear and concise
07:18 Coach Grabowski’s first game as a head coach
09:50 Separate reminders from the emotional part of the speech
10:14 Have a routine before you send them out
11:20 Rehearse what you want to say
11:50 Make sure any prop works out how you want it to
14:06 Always be positive in the pregame speech
16:40 Chuck Kyle’s first state championship pregame speech