5 Keys for Coaches’ Weight Loss – Erik Korem, Sports Scientist, AIM7

5 Keys for Coaches’ Weight Loss – Erik Korem, Sports Scientist, AIM7

In this episode, Erik Korem gives you five ways to clean up your physical health and maybe even lose some weight. We’ve just come through the stressful period of the season when coaching takes a toll on our bodies, including in the way we recover, get sleep, and prioritize nutrition.

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Erik Korem is the founder of AIM7 and a former sports scientist for the Houston Texans and a number of colleges.

We always strive to give listeners things that are helpful to their teams, but during this time of the year, it’s also a good time to focus on ourselves. Learn more about AIM7 and all we talk about in this episode.

Follow Erik Korem on Twitter/X @ErikKorem.

Show Notes:

>Coaches as Knowledge Workers
>Clean Up Physical Health and Lose Weight
>Importance of Strength Training
>Aerobic Exercise Recommendations
>High-Intensity Interval Training
>Caloric Deficit and Protein Focus
>Importance of Walking
>Benefits of Walking for Mental Health
>Integrating Movement into a Daily Routine
>Importance of Getting Sufficient Sleep

Additional Erik Korem Episode:

Beat Burnout and Enhance Your Performance as a Coach

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